Saturday, April 25, 2009


I hope you enjoy these photos I took with my Sony Mavica (FD73), since you are sitting inside and in front of the computer (just as I am right now), just to show you what you're missing!
Go outside breath the fresh air, take your best friend for a walk! :))
That's what I'll do -

A little tip for taking real tight close-ups with an automatic digital camera like the Mavica FD73.

I let the camera focus on my finger-print, as I hold the camera as close as possible to the subject. I move my finger closer to the lens until it can no longer focus, then I back off to restore sharp focus - the camera's limit - move my finger away and immediately snap the picture. Timing is everything because you have to take the picture before the camera's auto focus adjusts. You have about 1.5 seconds max.

I am adding the photo I call Muppet - which shows you just how close you can get with this camera. In 1999, this camera was 500 dollars - now, as you can see on Amazon's banner below the muppet photo, it is much less. If you want to see more close-ups, you can find my photographs on - no kidding :))

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