Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Economy got you down?


YOUR income shrinks - OR YOU EVEN LOOSE IT
Do you have a plan B?
Stand in the line with hundreds of other people all dressed up, clutching their resumes - hoping you 're the one picked?
Have you thought of working for yourself?
"Doing what?" I hear you ask -

May I suggest you
  1. take a piece of paper (no - really) sit down at your kitchen table, and
  2. make a column of things you know how to do,
  3. and two other columns, one for things you hate to do,
  4. and one for things you really enjoy doing.
No golf...unless you're a great golfer, or you want to be a caddy.

Are you computer savvy?
Is there anything among the things you enjoy which you research or read about on the computer?

Could you write about those things?
Do you have experiences which you would pass on to others?

Are you NOT computer savvy?
But you know how to type and email or follow directions?
THEN - here's the big question......
Can you make yourself spring into action?

Well - then you could do what many others do.
It is a reality - that the wealthiest people on the Internet are not techies (or they weren't when they started), not university trained computer wizards at all.

Honestly - I'm in my sixties, and I'm looking at these "kids" (pardon me), and they are way ahead of most of the rest of us.

What IS important to you and me, is that they share.
No really...THEY SHARE their knowledge.

They don't worry about a disappearing job, downsizing, loosing an industry or anything like that, and so they share with others, and (yes) make money by sharing the "HOW TO" of their business, which is (bombshell..) AFFILIATE MARKETING, which basically means that you are a Representative for many companies.
Every company loves Affiliates - Walmart, Home depot, anybody. You sell (via computer) - you get a commission.
You can go ahead and check out Commission, or See the companies listed with them? And those are not all.
You can get a website, write a blog, or articles and you will learn how to do all of that - hey, nothing comes "that" easy - there is a learning curve, but everyone who is successful will tell you: NEVER GIVE UP!
Now I hear you say - website? I don't know a thing about building a website.
I figured you would say that, so here it is.

You will get a free website, free training (by one of those brilliant youngsters) and if you like it - you can upgrade (we will hold your hand with an excellent and easy to follow training program - one step at a time) - no throwing everything at you at once as some programs do.
Hey - it won't hurt you to take a look - would it?

Click here (don't worry, no spam, won't cost a dime). Enter your name and email address so we can reach you, and you're on your way to becoming a success on the web! You won't need your resume either, just follow "Nike's" old slogan and just DO IT!

Visit my website, to explore additional (tested and proven) ideas to make your life easier and more fun, and financially secure.

If I can do it - you can too - and you will have fun along the way promise

Subscribe to this blog to keep track of what's to come next - never know what I'll find..

For now - it's

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