Saturday, April 25, 2009

Talking about 'The Face On Your Plate' book by Jeffrey Masson

Yesterday, by chance, I happened to catch an interview on NPR (National Public Radio) with Jeffrey Masson about his book 'The Face on Your Plate'.
I was driving at the time, but arriving at my destination I stayed in my car, spellbound - listening, afraid to miss a single word.
It wasn't that he spoke spell-binding words, but what he talked about.
It bound me to his thoughts, put me, my emotions, my belief about our place on this planet, my shame about how our humanity views other creatures - in a complete recognition of a relationship of thoughts I share with the Author.

We view creatures as something we may use and ab-use at will, for whatever excuse or purpose we desire. We decide what will endure our presence as a beloved or a mistreated pet. We assume, in this country, that a dog is a pet. In parts of China, a dog is food.
We don't name our food, but we do name our pets. The difference - is purely our decision, and depends on where we live on this Earth, and the social acceptance.
We don't eat human - I'm glad about that because I would not want to be slaughtered and eaten - however - who came up with the decision to slaughter a being, a creature, be it mammal or reptile, or bird. Did some magic wand appear and allow us to slaughter at will? But not MY dog, cat, horse, bird etc...just "THE ONE" - "THAT" doesn't have a name. "IT" is food!
The author is taking a closer look at the animals at our mercy, and our relationship to this "food". I recommend this book to anyone who is able to read or be read to - to raise thought, just so that you may do what you do - with THOUGHT.
Thank you for reading.

On a lighter note - I agree with him on chickens - they have loads of personality, and if you ever have a chance to watch "free ranging" (not a food term, dammit)...the longer you watch them, the more they will (!) remind you of ourselves and out interaction with each other. Guess what - they have emotions and communicate with each other and if a Rooster is present in the flock - he will take on any size enemy. WE don't - we gather troups - we're chicken.

Today's blog is totally my own voice, my own opinion.
Have a wonderful vegetarian weekend - be healthy! Meevamarie :))

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