Monday, April 27, 2009

Gourmet Home Baked Bread

2/3 cup warm milk (90-100 F)
2 beaten eggs

- I combine the beaten eggs with the warm milk. Pour in bottom of machine
then add all dry ingredients, cut butter into 4 pieces and place in each corner, make well in center of flower and add yeast 0 do not let yeast get wet.

3 cups bread flour,
1 1/2 Tsp sea salt,
2 1/2 Tbsp suggar,
1 1/2 Tbsp Butter (or Marg),
1 1/2 Tsp of yeast (fast rise).
Let bread rise twice before baking at 325 degrees. 15 min prep time.
Set the bread machine setting to 'Basic/specialty' if you decide to let the machine bake the bread for you - chose the color of your crust the way you like.
This bread goes with sweet as with cheese - but not with cold cuts.

I used a bread machine to make the dough,
I took the dough out of the machine and let rise (to desired size)one more time before baking = 1 1/2 Lbs of bread. Cover the bread and let it rise at a warm place. I use my open oven door and make a "tent" with a towel. It's worked well, but when you have 90 F outside and the oven door open inside, it can get pretty warm.
You can bake your bread ahead of time and freeze it - slice before freezing is best.

Each 1/2" slice has:
Calories - 150.2
Fat (g) - 5.1
Total Carbs(g) 22.4
Total Protein(g)4.4
Fiber(g) 0.9
Chol.(mg) 7.7
Sodium(mg) 236.9 (you can cut down the amt of salt and sugar if you like)

Cost of baking your own bread = 80 cents. Knowing that you have pure and fresh ingredients - PRICELESS
Click on the Amazon banner, if you consider getting a bread machine. They sure make baking bread faster and without fuss. There are many different models and price points available.
This Sunbeam was the lowest priced. No matter which model you decide for, it's important that you can bake up to a 2 lb loaf with it.

I will add some of my other recipes as time allows
For today, munching on bread,
It's meevamarie - enjoy!

Update - April 28 (I'm in a baking mood - it just smells too good)
The bread below is basically the same recipe, but I substituted the Bread flour with whole weat flour and rolled the bread dough in bran. The bread has a very nice nutty flavor and would go with cheese as well as sweet.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I hope you enjoy these photos I took with my Sony Mavica (FD73), since you are sitting inside and in front of the computer (just as I am right now), just to show you what you're missing!
Go outside breath the fresh air, take your best friend for a walk! :))
That's what I'll do -

A little tip for taking real tight close-ups with an automatic digital camera like the Mavica FD73.

I let the camera focus on my finger-print, as I hold the camera as close as possible to the subject. I move my finger closer to the lens until it can no longer focus, then I back off to restore sharp focus - the camera's limit - move my finger away and immediately snap the picture. Timing is everything because you have to take the picture before the camera's auto focus adjusts. You have about 1.5 seconds max.

I am adding the photo I call Muppet - which shows you just how close you can get with this camera. In 1999, this camera was 500 dollars - now, as you can see on Amazon's banner below the muppet photo, it is much less. If you want to see more close-ups, you can find my photographs on - no kidding :))

Talking about 'The Face On Your Plate' book by Jeffrey Masson

Yesterday, by chance, I happened to catch an interview on NPR (National Public Radio) with Jeffrey Masson about his book 'The Face on Your Plate'.
I was driving at the time, but arriving at my destination I stayed in my car, spellbound - listening, afraid to miss a single word.
It wasn't that he spoke spell-binding words, but what he talked about.
It bound me to his thoughts, put me, my emotions, my belief about our place on this planet, my shame about how our humanity views other creatures - in a complete recognition of a relationship of thoughts I share with the Author.

We view creatures as something we may use and ab-use at will, for whatever excuse or purpose we desire. We decide what will endure our presence as a beloved or a mistreated pet. We assume, in this country, that a dog is a pet. In parts of China, a dog is food.
We don't name our food, but we do name our pets. The difference - is purely our decision, and depends on where we live on this Earth, and the social acceptance.
We don't eat human - I'm glad about that because I would not want to be slaughtered and eaten - however - who came up with the decision to slaughter a being, a creature, be it mammal or reptile, or bird. Did some magic wand appear and allow us to slaughter at will? But not MY dog, cat, horse, bird etc...just "THE ONE" - "THAT" doesn't have a name. "IT" is food!
The author is taking a closer look at the animals at our mercy, and our relationship to this "food". I recommend this book to anyone who is able to read or be read to - to raise thought, just so that you may do what you do - with THOUGHT.
Thank you for reading.

On a lighter note - I agree with him on chickens - they have loads of personality, and if you ever have a chance to watch "free ranging" (not a food term, dammit)...the longer you watch them, the more they will (!) remind you of ourselves and out interaction with each other. Guess what - they have emotions and communicate with each other and if a Rooster is present in the flock - he will take on any size enemy. WE don't - we gather troups - we're chicken.

Today's blog is totally my own voice, my own opinion.
Have a wonderful vegetarian weekend - be healthy! Meevamarie :))

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Love An Equestrian - Dating for Equestrian 'Baby-Boomers'

One baby boomer turns 50 every 8 seconds of every day
There are 90 million Americans who will be age 50 or older in 2010
These are powerful numbers, and combine this with longer
life expectancy, one must imagine that not everyone in this group is married.
These numbers prompted the creation of this dating site for mature equestrians and single horse lovers. The site went live on Friday
It's totally free to sign up and place your profile. Take a look around. (- it's fun)
Just click on the Photo above

and contact hundreds of thousands of members now!
For tonight - that's
meevamarie - sign up for my blogs
My website
Follow me on Twitter

Cry me a river: Susan Boyle 1999 - we can't get enough

double click to see full size

We all agree that her voice is beautiful, and we are surprised...where has she been all this time?
She's been singing since she was 12. Why haven't we heard her music?
I really hope, that we just enjoy her and not send her into a re-make frenzy.
She has something to teach us - perhaps we (the commercial world) could listen!

Follow me on Twitter
and my website and refuse to be part of a recession. There's lots of help, opportunities and do-it-yourself recession busters.


Friday, April 17, 2009

X-BOX OWNERS - Promises from Microsoft

Click Here!


The following article was written by Mike Smith - posted here because we have the fix!

April 14, 2009 2:31 P.M.

Was your Xbox 360 a victim of the recent rash of "E74" errors?

Affected consoles are rendered completely useless in what's become a familiar tale to many Xbox fans -- it's just the latest in a string of hardware problems that have given the three-year-old system a woeful reliability rep.

E74 Error? Never Fear Click Here!

If you've suffered from this latest crash, we've got some good news for you. In a move that mirrors Microsoft's response to the 360's past hardware problems, the manufacturer announced today it's granting all systems experiencing the error an extended three year warranty. In other words, if your console has the E74 error, you can send it back for a free replacement -- and if you've already had it repaired and paid out-of-pocket, Microsoft will be refunding your money in the next few weeks.

"While the majority of Xbox 360 owners continue to have a great experience with their console, we are aware that a very small percentage of our customers have reported receiving an error that displays "E74" on their screen. As a result, we have decided to cover repairs related to the E74 error message under our three-year warranty program for certain general hardware failures that was announced in July 2007," the company said in a support article.

It's a classy move, and although it's not going to improve the console's terrible reputation for reliability -- we've heard from a number of consumers who've gone through as many as six failed machines -- it'll at least help out those affected by this round of problems.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Would you listen to this!

Susan Boyle Sings on Britain's Got Talent 2009 Episode 1 @ Yahoo! Video

Never ever judge a "book" by its cover. We all do that, don't we...

Pass this on - a great lesson ..ohm..listen

That's all for today..

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tonight's Apprentice challenge - ID Theft

Tonight's Apprentice presented the challenge to the groups to advertise LifeLock, the company with a guarantee of protecting your identity.

LifeLock is the only Identity Theft Prevention Solution backed by a one-million dollar guarantee!Click here to get a 10% discount.

Your PROMO code is JOAN

Having your identity stolen will, not can, it WILL turn your life upside down, bring you sleepless nights, cause you financial disaster, ruin your good credit, and sometimes crimes are committed under false identity.
People who had their identity stolen would tell you that it is a very long nightmare. Good thing aobut nightmares is that you will wake up. Identity theft has not quick fix. You can't just all of a sudden wake up and it's gone. It will be a full-time job to fix the damage and get your life back.

Today's ID thieves are not your common crooks anymore. You need a company or service which will protect you BEFORE your identity is compromised, so you will never have to go through the agony of having your identity stolen.
Please take the time to check out LifeLock and their guarantee to protect your and your family's identity.
As a Mortgage Loan Officer I had several clients wanting to refinance or purchase a home, but their identity had been compromised. Refinance and home purchase had to be put on hold.
Prevention is EVERYTHING!

LifeLock Identity Theft Prevention - Save 10%

Take this from..

Friday, April 10, 2009

Every Body Likes a Sale

I usually don't just run an ad, but exceptions make the rule, as they say.
One of my friends on Twitter just 'tweeted' me about this awesome skin product. I'd like to collect everyone of their products - great for sensitive skin!
It's only on sale to the end of April, that's just 18 days - you get free shipping too. Hurry - there isn't much time!

Celazome skincare free shipping

About the company in case you're not so familiar with their products:

True Science Backed by Pharmaceutical Standards of Research, Development and Measurable Results Creates a Quantum Leap Forward in Finer Skin Care
Dermazone Solutions is an acknowledged leader in the field of nanotechnology and holds patents on its proprietary nanosphere delivery system, Lyphazome®, in twenty countries worldwide. Celazome® cosmeceutical skincare products, available through physicians and aestheticians, provide solutions to Protect, Correct, Perfect, and Respect, whether you need to safeguard from sun exposure, fix problematic conditions like acne or rosacea, minimize fine lines and wrinkles, or simply highlight your skin's best assets. Our sunscreens and therapeutic lotions have been marketed to physicians, hospitals and professional caregivers throughout the U.S. for more than fourteen years.

here come the Testimonials:

I love . . . the Enzyme Exfoliating Masque…it’s wonderful! Your Serum Vitae is also on the top of my list. I highly recommend and enjoy selling your products to my patients.
-Veronique Jones, Florida

My skin looks healthier, smoother, with fewer blemishes. It is an easy system to follow. I really like how it feels on the skin.
-Paula Russan, M.D., Florida

I am truly astonished by the difference in my skin and eye area. This is amazing. My skin tone is back and the glow that we seem to loose with time.
-Mary Ann

(there is much more information on their website)

Celazome also carries O-PLEX Acne Treatment System.
"Acne does not stand a chance against our proprietary Complex Origanum. This trio of O-Plex products inhibits the formation of acne-causing bacteria, while balancing skin and tightening pores. Non-irritating and non-drying, the O-Plex line contains Lyphazomes, delivering long-lasting hydration."

This would be an awesome gift for your beautiful teenage daughter. By the time the summer vacation is here, she will be ready to show off her beautiful skin!

Check it out, and be admired!

I'm tellin' ya, meevamarie

Something To Say

First I have found a George Carlin Video on youtube, and hope you like Carlin's humor. I thought it was very funny and typically Carlin - he had some good points to make.

I hope you enjoy:

There's an entire series attached - depending on how long you want to just laugh and laugh.

Please also take a look at my sponsor - Happy Easter (bunny)!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Economy got you down?


YOUR income shrinks - OR YOU EVEN LOOSE IT
Do you have a plan B?
Stand in the line with hundreds of other people all dressed up, clutching their resumes - hoping you 're the one picked?
Have you thought of working for yourself?
"Doing what?" I hear you ask -

May I suggest you
  1. take a piece of paper (no - really) sit down at your kitchen table, and
  2. make a column of things you know how to do,
  3. and two other columns, one for things you hate to do,
  4. and one for things you really enjoy doing.
No golf...unless you're a great golfer, or you want to be a caddy.

Are you computer savvy?
Is there anything among the things you enjoy which you research or read about on the computer?

Could you write about those things?
Do you have experiences which you would pass on to others?

Are you NOT computer savvy?
But you know how to type and email or follow directions?
THEN - here's the big question......
Can you make yourself spring into action?

Well - then you could do what many others do.
It is a reality - that the wealthiest people on the Internet are not techies (or they weren't when they started), not university trained computer wizards at all.

Honestly - I'm in my sixties, and I'm looking at these "kids" (pardon me), and they are way ahead of most of the rest of us.

What IS important to you and me, is that they share.
No really...THEY SHARE their knowledge.

They don't worry about a disappearing job, downsizing, loosing an industry or anything like that, and so they share with others, and (yes) make money by sharing the "HOW TO" of their business, which is (bombshell..) AFFILIATE MARKETING, which basically means that you are a Representative for many companies.
Every company loves Affiliates - Walmart, Home depot, anybody. You sell (via computer) - you get a commission.
You can go ahead and check out Commission, or See the companies listed with them? And those are not all.
You can get a website, write a blog, or articles and you will learn how to do all of that - hey, nothing comes "that" easy - there is a learning curve, but everyone who is successful will tell you: NEVER GIVE UP!
Now I hear you say - website? I don't know a thing about building a website.
I figured you would say that, so here it is.

You will get a free website, free training (by one of those brilliant youngsters) and if you like it - you can upgrade (we will hold your hand with an excellent and easy to follow training program - one step at a time) - no throwing everything at you at once as some programs do.
Hey - it won't hurt you to take a look - would it?

Click here (don't worry, no spam, won't cost a dime). Enter your name and email address so we can reach you, and you're on your way to becoming a success on the web! You won't need your resume either, just follow "Nike's" old slogan and just DO IT!

Visit my website, to explore additional (tested and proven) ideas to make your life easier and more fun, and financially secure.

If I can do it - you can too - and you will have fun along the way promise

Subscribe to this blog to keep track of what's to come next - never know what I'll find..

For now - it's

Monday, April 6, 2009

Making up is hard to do (just a song or is it really hard?)

Today I have a little video to show you.
Add the Video to the book and it's like someone is holding you by the hand. 95% of women and 85% of men have told us that the videos and the book have helped them!
Click here to open the book

Friday, April 3, 2009

do we know what's really in our canine companion's food?

I received an email this morning from a vet (Dr. Jon, on who's email list I am.

I watched his funny videos (sleeping dogs are adorable) hilarious!!
And then - I read about the dog food. I haven't touched the pet issues in my blogs, but maybe I should, especially since I have a canine companion by the name of Sadie, who is VERY close to my heart. I found her at the RI SPCA 5 years ago and she is always by my side, always in a good mood. The quality of the food I feed her is extremely important to me. I lost my Doberman girl Brandy to a cancer in her stomach. She was just 12 years old and otherwise very happy and healthy.
Everytime I read about pet food - it seems to be bad news. This news however are so bad, that I want to cook her own food from now on, and never go back to commercial pet food again.

Is there any hope? According to hte report there are a few companies who prepare "honest" foods for dogs. I too have to purchase the books and the report know.
However, I didn't want to hold back in letting you know about what the report entails.

Click on "Dog Food SECRETS" to read the report, and watch this video: