Thursday, December 18, 2008

Friendshelpingfriendsnow - almost ready to launch

This is not an easy task - launching a new website. Every time I'm ready, I think of just one more thing that's not quite right. A friend of mine just started her own website just for women who want to work from home, and she's still adding things to it.
I just added adsense to my blogs and also invite other blogs to join me.
Part of my time is spent with designing new products, basically horse-care-health products, and will have a blog which is named (naturally) Don't search for it yet, I just got the domain name.
So - there's lots going on in this household all the time.

About cash gifting - it works and it's legal. Anybody is allowed to give money to anybody. If you are giving more than $12,000 to any one person, taxes will have to be paid, but below that amount - the giver and the receiver don't have that to worry about.
On my website you will find the tax section whoch you can print out to study if you like.
The reason I did my own website instead of joining the many already out there is this. I'm not much for hype. I have some friends who are in gifting, but they are also spending a lot of money of advertising. I thought that keeping the amount so that anyone can afford it and having groups of friends joining in together will give everyone a leg up, and we all know other people who could really use some extra money, but don't want to take the risk of diverting $500 to cash gifting. After all - first you have to gift..then you are eligible to receive.
I also did not like the idea of different levels and one bypassing another etc etc. Maybe it's my age, but I find it confusing to keep track of.
I also learned that some tracking systems of the few gifting clubs I know - have thos issues as well. I have always like the K.I.S.S. method (keep it simple stupid). The only way I could get involved was to design my own website. Take a look and see if you and some of your friends would like to join me and others giving and gettin (a leg up) with cash gifting.

For today - its'...


1 comment:

Improvedliving said...

well this is going to be a big success. congrats.

Cash Gifting Forums