Monday, December 15, 2008

FriendsHelping friendsNow - the incredible shrinking phone bill

I shrunk my phone bill in 10 minutes, saving myself $300 a year.
A few days ago I got this little "gismo" which I stuck in my PC's USB port! - My phone bill instantly shrunk to $20 a YEAR. It's a magicjack - I just wish I would get paid for the endorsement! So far they don't do that sort of thing - I asked, yes I did.
Then I shrunk my other cheap Voip- company, and reduced their service to $5.00 for incoming only, which lets me keep my old number.
Cutting down expenses and keeping more money for myself is quickly becoming a little hobby.
Many year ago when I needed evening clothes often, but was a single parent and had two little boys to raise, a friend gave me an unbelievable tip. She told me to look for a consignment store in a very upscale area - I am so glad i followed her advice - my evening gowns literally cost me about $10. After wearing them once, I had them cleaned and consigned them back to the store for the next person. You'd be surprised how many Ann Taylors and Ralph Lorens or DKNYs with tags still attached are hanging in these treasure places. Finding them - is more fun than getting something of a rack and knowing you pay way to much for it. One year I got an entire outside wardrobe for under $100. Eddie Bauer and L.L. Bean Ski suits included. When I want to have fun and relax - I take a friend and go treasure hunting.
You'd be amazed how much less you have to spend and how much more you can get. Once I'm no longer interested in these clothes I give them away. When the quality is very good - they keep looking great.
The economy now makes it necessary to be more careful with money, but would it not be better for each of us - to keep more money for us and our families instead of paying it out in profits to corporate people to wine and dine with?
- hope I could save you some money or at least give you some food for thought!

gee - should work on getting some endorsements!!

Will write gain soon!

Until then..

it's meevamarie

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