Friday, March 6, 2009

THE BEGINNINGS OF A WORLD-WIDE one hand reaching out for another - PROJECT

In the past, I have given you tips, alerted you of news you needed to know - but - Today I want to ask YOU for help - not for myself, but to join me on a platform - to help others.

- who are in a pinch, need temporary quick fixes, services, advice - a helping hand.

I have established the website to be this platform - the "go to site" which provides an exchange of (discounted) services. The website explains in more detail.

You have to be willing to give back. A friendly spirit will make this project successful, spreading good will across borders and all across the planet we call home.

A meeting place of people who understand the concept of "what goes around - comes around."

I know that's a basic, non- sophisticated explanation, but it's not about sophistication - but about caring, and giving forward.

The Win-Win opportunity: Besides helping others, the site also offers you free advertising. Yes, FREE.

The rules are simple:
In order to advertise here and join our efforts, please be a member of a social website.
Social websites function as a quasi village, where others know 'you', and 'you' know others.

We invite you to use your (social website) 'user name', instead of your business name, should you wish.
You can write your ad as large as you want or only offer what you are willing to discount. It's your space.

I am asking for your membership, and kindred spirits, to make this as big as can be imagined!!

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