Friday, March 27, 2009

More about the Magic of Making Up

We have had so many responses to the book, that we decided to make some videos, reading you some of the emails and also giving you some tips which we hope can help.
We did that, because sometimes it's good to hear other people's problems and questions. It might give you some ideas for your own situation.
The e-book is really good, and as you hear on the video, you can get the audio as well.

Click on e-book to find out more
Click here to watch the videos

Monday, March 23, 2009

What Can I do To Get My Ex Boy Friend Back?

Dating, Marriage...staying together isn't always as easy as we wish.

Here are a few tips from the author of this book:
Are there actually 'magic' words you can use to get your ex to return your phone calls?Sounds hard to believe but there ARE words that nearly cast a spell and make your ex feel almost compelled to return your call. Cool huh?...I'm going to share this with you because this is one of the biggest questions I get from the over 35,000 subscribers just like you, that are trying to put their relationship back together.
So I am going to answer: "How do I get my ex to return my phone call, text or IM?"
But...WARNING! In the Magic Of Making Up, i lay out a complete strategy. If you use this technique alone, without an overall plan or may damage your relatationship more than if they never returned your call.
What NOT to say! Before we get into the actual words, lets go over what message almost never works. And worse...Puts you in and AWFUL 'psychological' posotion.
These usually fall into 2 categories.
The Plead- Where the message sounds like "Steve, please, please call me. This is the third time I have called. I HAVE to talk to you."
And the EMERGENCY: "Cindy, this is an emergency. Please call me as soon as you get this."
Now, I think you can see what is wrong with both of those approaches? So, I won't go on and on...
How to Use Curiosity & Self Interest To Your Advantage. Here is the BIG SECRET!
When you combine the two, you have a recipe that WILL work 'magic'! So...let's look at what you can say that works nearly EVERY TIME: Don't forget to use a friendly tone: "Hi Steve". It's Cindy. I wanted to let you know that I appreciate what you did for me. Call me because I want to thank you in person". Do you see how that uses BOTH - curiosity and self interest?
He will be thinking. And he feels good because it is a positive message. Now....Before you call you need to do "Set Up"...which is figuring out what he did that you appreciate. It can be a small thing...but needs to be plausible. BUT...more importantly...2nd WARNING! Please have an underlying strategy lik I lay out in the Magic Of making Up System. BEFORE you call. If you apply this technique with no underlying strategy and they call you back, you can do more DAMAGE than good if you do not handle it correctly. Okay? What I'm saying...What you do before, during and after you get him to return your call is MORE important than getting him to return your call.
Makes sense? Have a PLAN...and .. just to be on the safe side, click on the book link for more practical and helpful ideas.

I'm rooting for you!


Saturday, March 7, 2009


How would you like the opportunity to advertise on our website - what you do, your profession, your job, or something you are willing to do...for a set fee.

In return (you know there had to be a catch, right?) we would like you to be willing to negotiate your fee with the person who (desperately) needs your service.

What's really cool about this - is that the person that's coming to you for your service - will also turn around and make themselves available for someone else. Kind-a like a viral thing.

ALL - you have to do is to go to the website ( and email us what you want your ad to say and the other info we are asking for. It's not much - look what you will get in return:
Increased business, contacts and possibly a new, loyal referral family.

In times like these - you can't beat that offer! We invite you to pass this on to all of your friends, and people who also need business!


Friday, March 6, 2009

THE BEGINNINGS OF A WORLD-WIDE one hand reaching out for another - PROJECT

In the past, I have given you tips, alerted you of news you needed to know - but - Today I want to ask YOU for help - not for myself, but to join me on a platform - to help others.

- who are in a pinch, need temporary quick fixes, services, advice - a helping hand.

I have established the website to be this platform - the "go to site" which provides an exchange of (discounted) services. The website explains in more detail.

You have to be willing to give back. A friendly spirit will make this project successful, spreading good will across borders and all across the planet we call home.

A meeting place of people who understand the concept of "what goes around - comes around."

I know that's a basic, non- sophisticated explanation, but it's not about sophistication - but about caring, and giving forward.

The Win-Win opportunity: Besides helping others, the site also offers you free advertising. Yes, FREE.

The rules are simple:
In order to advertise here and join our efforts, please be a member of a social website.
Social websites function as a quasi village, where others know 'you', and 'you' know others.

We invite you to use your (social website) 'user name', instead of your business name, should you wish.
You can write your ad as large as you want or only offer what you are willing to discount. It's your space.

I am asking for your membership, and kindred spirits, to make this as big as can be imagined!!